Saturday, April 14, 2007

I have purchased many lobsters from Lobster Gram

I have purchased many Lobsters from Lobster Gram. It's amazing how fast they were delivered and how alive they were when they arrived. I'm not a novice connoisseur of seafood; I've probably eaten over 1,500 lobsters in the past 55 years. I also build custom scratch-built model boats and thought you might enjoy this picture.
Jim Ryan

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Thank you all for the amazing service

Thank you all for the amazing service and great quality product. After having our delivery attempted on Valentine's Day and being disrupted by a winter storm, we were more than excited to have gotten our shipment of the Live Maine Marvel Deluxe Dinner on Friday. Thank you all again. We look forward to ordering from you again, and very soon!!
Dan and Samantha Sharpe

Thank you all for the amazing service

Thank you all for the amazing service and great quality product. After having our delivery attempted on Valentine's Day and being disrupted by a winter storm, we were more than excited to have gotten our shipment of the Live Maine Marvel Deluxe Dinner on Friday. Thank you all again. We look forward to ordering from you again, and very soon!!
Dan and Samantha Sharpe